Our virtual library never closes. We are open 24 hours per day via our digital library guides.
Our librarian is human so she is only available during the traditional school day. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to stop by the library or send an email.
There is a plethora of virtual resources available to help you when researching, studying or reading. I suggest that you start with these two information sources. Think of them as your best friends.
The gateway to all our collections of electronic books. Here you can search for, check out or reserve any thing on our virtual shelves. Plus, you can access vetted, subject-specific websites and articles that match your search. (Use Your Login Credentials.)
Our city's public library system offers hundreds of electronic databases and electronic books that cover the full gambit of information (and entertainment) needs. All you need is an active DCOne Card or from the DCPL website, request a temporary card.
These pathfinders provide links to vetted websites, journal articles, videos, and more to support your research educational, and recreational reading needs.
Ms. Simuel is School Without Walls full time, librarian. She is available throughout the regular academic day to help you with research, reading recommendations, and resource location support. She will also help you avoid plagiarism (i.e. how to write citations, identify false information) and more. Drop in to see her, in the library,. She is also available by email. Just give her 24 hours to respond.