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Eliot-Hine Middle School Library Page: 2024-2025: Sky High Reading Challenge

Information about the Sky High Reading Challenge and all the ways you can participate!

About, Padlet, and Individual Challenge!

Looking to sign up for the 10, 25, or 40 book challenge? Sign up for the challenge here. (Pick a 10, 25, or 40 book challenge!)

EHMS Reading Challenge 24-25: Sky High Reading Challenge by Ashleigh Rose

Thank you to The Capitol Hill Community Foundation for their support of this reading challenge!

Want to be entered in the raffles?

1. Fill in a book review or response on the Padlet below!


Made with Padlet

Start Here: Sign Up for an Individual Challenge!

1. Sign up for the challenge here. (Pick a 10, 25, or 40 book challenge!)

2. Go get your Tracker form and Prize from Ms. Rose in the library for signing up! (Or scroll down for the link!)

10 Book Challenge

Need a copy of a tracker? Here's the link.

Or get a paper tracker in the library!

25 Book Challenge

40 Book Challenge

Sky High Reading Challenge!

Need a book review tile? Head to the library or your advisor! They're everywhere!

When you have filled in a book review, come drop it off in the library!

Check back here for hallway tile updates for the whole-school challenge!